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Steam Deck Review


As of my last update in January 2022, the Steam Deck hadn’t been released yet, so I can’t provide real-time reviews or experiences post-release. However, based on what was known at that time, the Steam Deck was highly anticipated for its potential to bring PC gaming to a portable device.

Here are some expected features and highlights:

  1. Hardware: It was designed to have a powerful custom APU from AMD that would allow gamers to play a wide range of PC games on the go. The device was expected to come in three variations with different storage capacities.
  2. Controls: The Deck features a layout similar to a console controller with trackpads and gyroscopic aiming for precision, making it more adaptable to various game genres.
  3. Display: The device was supposed to have a 7-inch touchscreen display with a 1280×800 resolution, aiming to provide a decent gaming experience on the go.
  4. Operating System: The Steam Deck was planned to run on a custom version of SteamOS, providing access to the Steam library and the ability to install other game stores or even Windows for a broader game selection.

The success and user experience of the Steam Deck would likely depend on how well it delivers on its promises, especially in terms of performance, battery life, and compatibility with a wide range of games. I recommend checking recent reviews and user feedback to get the most up-to-date and accurate information on its performance and capabilities post-release.

Is Steam Deck any good?

As of my last update in January 2022, the Steam Deck hadn’t been released yet, so I can’t provide real-time feedback or experiences post-release. However, based on its anticipated features and the expectations surrounding it:

The Steam Deck seemed promising due to its ambition to offer a portable gaming experience with the vast library of games available on Steam. Its potential lay in the combination of a handheld device with the capabilities of a gaming PC.

Key factors that could make the Steam Deck a good option for gamers:

  1. Versatility: Offering access to a wide range of PC games through Steam, it aimed to bridge the gap between console gaming and PC gaming.
  2. Hardware: The device was expected to have a custom AMD APU, providing decent performance for gaming on the go.
  3. Controls: Its controller-like layout with trackpads and gyroscopic aiming aimed to provide adaptability across various game genres.
  4. Operating System: Running on a custom version of SteamOS, it aimed to offer access to the vast Steam library while also allowing users to install other game stores or even Windows for broader game compatibility.

However, the actual user experience, game compatibility, performance, and other factors would ultimately determine whether the Steam Deck lived up to its promises and if it could be considered “good” for gaming enthusiasts. I’d suggest checking recent reviews, user feedback, and updated information to get an accurate assessment of its performance and capabilities post-release.

Is Steam Deck a good investment?

Investing in any piece of technology involves considering your specific needs, preferences, and how well the device aligns with those requirements. As of my last update in January 2022, the Steam Deck was highly anticipated due to its potential to offer a unique gaming experience, but it hadn’t been released yet, making it challenging to assess its value as an investment.

Here are some factors to consider when determining if the Steam Deck is a good investment for you:

  1. Gaming Preferences: If you prefer PC gaming but want the portability of a handheld device, the Steam Deck might be an appealing option due to its ability to play a wide range of PC games on the go.
  2. Budget: Assess whether the price aligns with the value you expect to get from the device. The different storage capacity options might also affect the overall cost.
  3. Performance Expectations: Consider the hardware specifications and whether they meet your performance expectations for gaming on a handheld device.
  4. Game Library: Evaluate how important access to your existing Steam library or the potential to play a vast range of PC games on a portable device is to you.
  5. Use Cases: Think about how and where you intend to use the device. If you’re frequently on the move or want the flexibility of gaming away from your PC, the Steam Deck might offer convenience.
  6. Early Reviews and User Feedback: Look for reviews and user experiences post-release to gauge the actual performance, reliability, and user satisfaction with the device.

Ultimately, whether the Steam Deck is a good investment depends on how well it aligns with your gaming preferences, lifestyle, and the value you expect to derive from it. As it has been released by now, seeking updated reviews and user feedback can provide more insights into whether it meets expectations and if it’s worth the investment for you.

Is Steam Deck still worth buying 2023?

As of my last update in January 2022, I don’t have real-time information on the current state of the Steam Deck in 2023. However, I can provide some factors to consider when determining whether the Steam Deck is worth buying in 2023:

  1. User Reviews and Feedback: Check recent reviews and user experiences to understand how the Steam Deck has performed since its release. Look for information on its reliability, performance, compatibility with games, and any potential issues users have encountered.
  2. Game Compatibility: Assess whether the games you’re interested in playing are compatible and run smoothly on the Steam Deck. Compatibility has likely improved since its launch due to updates and optimizations.
  3. Price and Value: Consider the price and compare it to the value you expect to get from the device. Also, consider any updates or new versions of the Steam Deck that might have been released, offering improved features or performance.
  4. Availability and Demand: Check the availability of the Steam Deck and whether there have been any improvements in stock levels or potential sales/offers that might make it more attractive in 2023.
  5. Use Case and Preferences: Evaluate how the Steam Deck fits into your gaming preferences and lifestyle. If you value portability and the ability to play PC games on the go, it might still be a compelling option.
  6. Future Support: Consider the ongoing support and updates from Valve for the Steam Deck. This can affect its longevity and continued performance improvements.

The decision to purchase the Steam Deck in 2023 will depend on whether it aligns with your gaming needs, preferences, and if the device has addressed any initial concerns or limitations since its release. Checking recent reviews and updated information will provide a clearer picture of whether it’s worth buying at this point.

Is Steam Deck as powerful as a PC?

The Steam Deck is a portable gaming device designed by Valve Corporation, aiming to provide a gaming experience similar to a gaming PC while being portable. However, its power and performance are not equivalent to a high-end gaming PC.

In terms of hardware, the Steam Deck features a custom AMD APU (Accelerated Processing Unit) with a quad-core Zen 2 CPU and RDNA 2 GPU architecture. This hardware is optimized for handheld gaming but isn’t as powerful as top-tier gaming PCs due to constraints related to size, heat dissipation, and power consumption.

While it’s capable of running a wide range of PC games, it may not achieve the same level of performance as a high-end gaming rig. The Steam Deck targets a balance between portability and performance, allowing users to play many games from their Steam library on the go.

Factors like graphical settings, resolution, and frame rates might need to be adjusted to achieve smoother gameplay on the Steam Deck compared to a high-end PC. However, for gamers seeking a portable gaming experience that’s closer to a gaming PC than traditional handheld consoles, the Steam Deck aims to bridge that gap effectively.

Is Steam Deck better than Switch?

Comparing the Steam Deck to the Nintendo Switch involves considering various factors, including hardware, game library, portability, and intended use.

Performance and Hardware:

  • The Steam Deck boasts more powerful hardware, closer to a traditional gaming PC, with an AMD APU capable of running a wide range of PC games. It offers better graphical fidelity and performance in many cases compared to the Nintendo Switch.
  • The Switch, while less powerful, has its own unique capabilities like the ability to seamlessly switch between handheld and docked modes, offering convenience and versatility.

Game Library:

  • The Nintendo Switch has a strong first-party lineup with exclusive titles like Zelda, Mario, and Pokémon, which are not available on other platforms. It also has a growing library of third-party games.
  • The Steam Deck provides access to a vast library of PC games available on Steam, including a wide array of indie games, AAA titles, and older classics. It offers a more extensive selection but might lack some exclusive Nintendo titles.

Portability and Design:

  • The Steam Deck is larger and heavier than the Nintendo Switch, aiming to provide a more PC-like gaming experience on the go. Its design resembles a handheld console with controller-like inputs and a larger screen.
  • The Switch is more compact and designed for quick transitions between handheld and docked modes, offering convenience and versatility in different gaming scenarios.


  • The Steam Deck’s pricing varies based on storage capacity, but it generally starts at a higher price point compared to the Nintendo Switch.

Ultimately, whether the Steam Deck is better than the Switch depends on individual preferences. The Steam Deck might appeal more to gamers seeking a portable device that offers access to a vast PC gaming library with better performance, while the Switch might be preferred for its exclusive Nintendo titles, portability, and versatility in switching between handheld and TV modes.

Can you play GTA 5 on Steam Deck?

Yes, GTA 5 (Grand Theft Auto V) is available on Steam, and as the Steam Deck runs on a custom version of SteamOS, it should be able to play GTA 5. The Steam Deck is designed to provide access to a wide range of PC games available on the Steam platform, and GTA 5 is one of the popular titles within the Steam library.

However, the performance of GTA 5 on the Steam Deck might vary based on the hardware specifications of the device and the optimizations made for running the game on the handheld system. Lower settings or resolution adjustments might be necessary to achieve smoother gameplay, considering the hardware constraints of a portable device compared to a full-fledged gaming PC.

It’s worth checking the compatibility and any updates or optimizations made for the Steam Deck specifically for GTA 5 to ensure a better gaming experience on the device.

Is Steam Deck future proof?

Predicting the future-proofing of any technology, including the Steam Deck, involves some uncertainty due to the rapid advancements in hardware and software. However, the Steam Deck has been designed to offer a certain level of future compatibility and flexibility:

  1. Hardware: The hardware of the Steam Deck, while not as powerful as top-tier gaming PCs, is still relatively robust for a handheld device. It’s equipped with a custom AMD APU, and while it might not match the performance of high-end PCs, it’s capable of running a wide range of games at decent settings.
  2. Operating System and Software: The Steam Deck runs on a custom version of SteamOS, providing access to the extensive Steam library. It also allows users to install other game stores or even Windows, which could potentially expand its compatibility with future games and software.
  3. Updates and Support: Valve, the company behind the Steam Deck, is likely to provide ongoing updates and support for the device. These updates could include optimizations, performance improvements, and compatibility updates to ensure the device remains relevant over time.

However, predicting long-term future-proofing, especially in the rapidly evolving world of technology, can be challenging. As games and software become more demanding, there might come a point where the Steam Deck’s hardware limitations become more apparent.

Factors such as new hardware advancements, evolving game requirements, and technological shifts could impact the device’s longevity. While the Steam Deck is designed to provide a solid gaming experience for years to come, it might not remain at the cutting edge of gaming performance indefinitely.

As with any tech purchase, considering how well the device currently meets your needs, its expected lifespan based on current hardware capabilities, and Valve’s commitment to updates and support will be essential in determining its future-proofing for your usage.

Do you need a PC for Steam Deck?

The Steam Deck is designed to function as a standalone gaming device, meaning you don’t necessarily need a PC to use it. It runs on a custom version of SteamOS, providing access to the Steam library directly on the device itself.

However, having a PC can enhance the experience in some ways:

  1. Game Library and Account Management: While the Steam Deck grants direct access to your Steam library, managing your game library, purchases, and settings might be more convenient on a PC. You can still manage these aspects via the Steam website or directly on the Deck, but a PC might offer more ease.
  2. Game Downloads and Updates: You can download games directly onto the Steam Deck, but a PC with a faster internet connection might speed up the initial setup process by downloading and transferring games to the Deck.
  3. System Updates and Maintenance: While the Steam Deck should handle system updates on its own, troubleshooting or system maintenance might be easier on a PC, especially if you need to reinstall the operating system or perform advanced troubleshooting.

Overall, while a PC isn’t required to use the Steam Deck, having access to one might enhance the overall experience in terms of managing your game library, downloads, and maintenance. However, it’s not a necessity for enjoying gaming on the Steam Deck itself.

Is Steam Deck good enough for gaming?

The Steam Deck was designed specifically for gaming, aiming to provide a portable gaming experience that taps into the extensive library available on Steam. It’s equipped with hardware tailored for gaming, including a custom AMD APU and a controller-like layout.

For gaming enthusiasts, the Steam Deck can offer several advantages:

  1. Portability: It allows you to play a wide range of PC games on the go, bridging the gap between traditional gaming PCs and handheld consoles.
  2. Access to Steam Library: It provides access to your existing Steam library, allowing you to play games you already own, as well as the vast selection available on the Steam platform.
  3. Performance: While not as powerful as top-tier gaming PCs, the Steam Deck’s hardware is capable enough to run many games smoothly, albeit possibly with adjustments to graphical settings.
  4. Controller Design and Inputs: Its controller-like layout with trackpads and gyroscopic aiming aims to offer adaptability across various game genres, providing a different gaming experience compared to traditional handheld consoles.

However, the Steam Deck might have limitations:

  1. Hardware Constraints: It’s a handheld device, so its hardware capabilities are not on par with high-end gaming PCs. This means some games might not perform as well or may require adjustments in settings for smoother gameplay.
  2. Battery Life: Like any portable device, battery life is a consideration. Depending on the games played and settings used, the battery life might vary.
  3. Game Optimization: Some games might not be fully optimized for the Steam Deck’s hardware, potentially leading to performance issues or compatibility challenges.

Overall, whether the Steam Deck is “good enough” for gaming depends on individual preferences, expectations, and the types of games you want to play. It aims to offer a unique gaming experience by bringing PC gaming to a portable device, but its performance might not match that of a high-end gaming PC. Assessing its capabilities based on your gaming needs and preferences will help determine if it suits your gaming habits.

How long will my Steam Deck last?

The longevity of any electronic device, including the Steam Deck, depends on various factors:

  1. Build Quality: The durability of the physical components and the build quality of the device play a significant role in its lifespan. A well-built device is likely to last longer with proper care.
  2. Hardware Specifications: As games become more demanding over time, the hardware in the Steam Deck may eventually become less capable of running newer and more demanding titles at acceptable settings. However, Valve’s optimization efforts and game developers’ adaptations might extend the device’s usability.
  3. Software Support and Updates: Ongoing software support, firmware updates, and optimizations by Valve can influence the device’s longevity. Regular updates can improve performance, fix bugs, and enhance compatibility with newer games.
  4. Battery Life and Health: Over time, the battery capacity of any device tends to degrade with use. The lifespan of the battery and its ability to hold a charge might diminish after several years of usage. However, battery replacements or maintenance can extend the device’s usability.
  5. Usage Patterns and Care: How you use and care for your Steam Deck can affect its lifespan. Regular maintenance, avoiding physical damage, and keeping the device clean can contribute to its longevity.

While it’s challenging to predict an exact lifespan, the Steam Deck, like any tech device, could be expected to last for several years with proper care and maintenance. However, its ability to run the latest and most demanding games might decrease over time as newer titles are released and hardware requirements evolve.

Valve’s commitment to support, updates, and optimizations for the Steam Deck could extend its relevance and usefulness, but like most tech devices, it might eventually become less suitable for the latest gaming experiences as technology advances.

Will Steam Deck 2 be more expensive?

Predicting the price of a hypothetical Steam Deck 2 involves several factors, including technological advancements, component costs, and market strategies. As of my last update in January 2022, there wasn’t any official announcement or information available about a potential Steam Deck 2.

However, it’s common for subsequent iterations of tech devices to come with advancements that might drive costs higher initially. Here are a few scenarios:

  1. Technological Improvements: If Valve introduces significant upgrades in hardware components, such as a more powerful processor, improved graphics, or better display technology, these advancements could potentially increase production costs and lead to a higher retail price.
  2. Market Competition and Demand: The pricing strategy for a new version might also be influenced by market conditions, competition from other gaming devices, and consumer demand for the features offered.
  3. Economies of Scale: As technology matures and production processes become more efficient, it’s possible that certain advancements might become more cost-effective to implement, potentially offsetting price increases.

Ultimately, whether a Steam Deck 2 would be more expensive would depend on the specific features, improvements, and advancements it introduces compared to the original Steam Deck. Valve’s pricing strategy and the competitive landscape at the time of its release would also play crucial roles in determining its price point.

What games can I play on Steam Deck?

The Steam Deck is designed to provide access to a wide range of games available on the Steam platform. This includes:

  1. Steam Library Games: You can play games that you already own in your Steam library. This encompasses a vast selection of titles across various genres, including indie games, AAA titles, classics, and more.
  2. Games from the Steam Store: Access the entire Steam Store, which features thousands of games available for purchase or download.
  3. Game Pass and Other Platforms: While primarily focused on Steam, the Steam Deck also allows for installing other game stores or even operating systems like Windows, potentially expanding the range of games you can play.

However, the performance of certain games on the Steam Deck might vary due to its hardware limitations compared to high-end gaming PCs. Some games might require adjustments to settings or might not run as smoothly on the device.

Overall, the Steam Deck offers a vast gaming library from Steam and potentially other platforms, allowing you to play a wide variety of games on the go. It’s important to check the compatibility and performance of specific games on the Steam Deck to ensure a smooth gaming experience.

Is Steam Deck better than PS4?

Comparing the Steam Deck and the PS4 involves considering various factors, including hardware, game libraries, portability, and overall gaming experience.

Hardware and Performance:

  • The Steam Deck is a handheld gaming device designed to offer a portable PC gaming experience. Its hardware, while not as powerful as high-end gaming PCs, is relatively robust for a handheld, allowing it to run many PC games.
  • The PS4, on the other hand, is a dedicated gaming console with fixed hardware specifications. At its release, it offered superior performance compared to the Steam Deck due to its dedicated hardware.

Game Library:

  • The PS4 has an extensive library of exclusive titles, including games like God of War, Uncharted, and The Last of Us. It also has a wide selection of third-party games available.
  • The Steam Deck provides access to a vast library of PC games available on Steam, including indie games, AAA titles, classics, and more. It offers a broader range of games compared to the PS4 but might lack some exclusive titles available only on consoles.

Portability and Versatility:

  • The Steam Deck is designed for on-the-go gaming, offering portability that the PS4 lacks. It aims to bridge the gap between gaming PCs and handheld consoles.
  • The PS4 is a stationary console designed for use with a TV or monitor, lacking the portability of the Steam Deck.

Overall Experience:

  • The Steam Deck’s main strength lies in its portability and access to a vast library of PC games. It’s geared toward gamers looking for a PC-like gaming experience on the go.
  • The PS4 provides a more traditional console gaming experience with a focus on exclusive titles, solid performance, and a dedicated gaming ecosystem.

Determining which is “better” depends on personal preferences. If portability and access to a wide range of PC games are important, the Steam Deck might be preferable. However, if you value exclusive console titles, a more powerful dedicated gaming console experience, and don’t prioritize portability, the PS4 might suit your preferences better.

Can the Steam Deck do everything a PC can?

The Steam Deck is a portable gaming device designed to offer a gaming experience similar to a PC, but it doesn’t have the full functionality or capabilities of a traditional desktop or laptop PC. Here are some points to consider:

  1. Gaming: The Steam Deck is primarily focused on gaming and is optimized to run PC games available on the Steam platform. It aims to offer a portable gaming experience with access to a wide range of games, but it might not match the performance of a high-end gaming PC.
  2. Productivity and Software: While it runs on a custom version of SteamOS, it’s not designed for extensive productivity tasks or to run a wide array of software applications like a typical PC. It’s focused on gaming functionality rather than serving as a general-purpose computer.
  3. Operating System Flexibility: While it’s optimized for SteamOS, users have the option to install other game stores or even operating systems like Windows, which can expand its functionality to some extent. However, it might not have the same level of versatility as a full-fledged PC.
  4. Hardware Limitations: Due to its portable design, the hardware components in the Steam Deck are tailored for compactness and power efficiency, which might limit its capabilities compared to a full-size gaming PC.

While the Steam Deck provides access to a wide range of PC games and offers some flexibility in its operating system, it’s important to note that it’s primarily a gaming-focused device. It may not be as versatile or capable as a traditional PC for tasks beyond gaming and might not offer the same level of performance or compatibility with various software applications.

Can Steam Deck run high end games?

The Steam Deck is designed to run a wide range of PC games available on the Steam platform, including many high-end games. However, its ability to run high-end games smoothly might vary depending on the specific game’s requirements and the hardware limitations of the device.

The hardware of the Steam Deck, while capable for a handheld device, might not match the performance of top-tier gaming PCs. As a result, some high-end games might require adjustments to graphical settings or resolution to achieve smoother gameplay on the device.

Games with demanding graphics and resource-intensive requirements might not run at their highest settings or frame rates on the Steam Deck compared to a high-end gaming PC. However, many high-end games are optimized to run on a variety of hardware configurations, and with proper optimizations and adjustments, they can still be playable and enjoyable on the Steam Deck.

Valve has aimed to optimize the Steam Deck’s hardware and software to provide a decent gaming experience for a wide range of games, including high-end titles. Still, it’s essential to manage expectations regarding performance and settings for the most demanding games on this portable device compared to a full-fledged gaming PC.

What are the negatives of Steam Deck?

While the Steam Deck offers a unique portable gaming experience, there are some potential downsides or limitations to consider:

  1. Hardware Limitations: The hardware, while capable for a handheld device, might not match the performance of high-end gaming PCs. Some demanding games might require adjustments to settings or might not run as smoothly as on a more powerful gaming rig.
  2. Game Optimization: Not all games might be fully optimized or compatible with the Steam Deck’s hardware, potentially leading to performance issues or compatibility challenges for certain titles.
  3. Battery Life: Like any portable device, battery life is a consideration. Depending on the games played and settings used, the battery life might vary, potentially limiting gaming sessions on the go.
  4. Availability of Exclusive Titles: While the Steam Deck provides access to a vast library of PC games, it might lack some exclusive titles available only on consoles like PlayStation or Nintendo.
  5. Size and Portability: While designed for portability, the size and weight of the Steam Deck might not be as convenient for some users compared to smaller handheld consoles like the Nintendo Switch.
  6. Potential Heat and Noise: High-performance gaming in a compact device might lead to increased heat and fan noise during intensive gaming sessions, affecting the user experience.
  7. Game Settings and Optimization: Users might need to adjust settings for optimal performance on the Steam Deck, which could require some trial and error to find the right balance between performance and visuals.
  8. Software and Compatibility: While it runs on a custom version of SteamOS, the compatibility with certain software or game titles might not be as seamless as on a traditional gaming PC.

While the Steam Deck offers a compelling portable gaming experience, these potential negatives or limitations should be considered based on individual preferences and expectations to make an informed decision about its suitability for your gaming needs.

Is the steam deck OLED?

The Steam Deck does not feature an OLED display. It comes equipped with a 7-inch LCD touchscreen display with a resolution of 1280×800 pixels. The display is designed to provide a good gaming experience on the go but does not utilize OLED technology.

OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode) displays are known for their vibrant colors, high contrast ratios, and deep blacks compared to traditional LCD screens. While OLED screens can offer superior image quality, they often come at a higher cost and might have other considerations regarding power efficiency and screen burn-in.

The choice of an LCD display for the Steam Deck might have been made to balance factors like cost, performance, and overall suitability for a portable gaming device, considering factors like battery life, durability, and cost-effectiveness.

Is Steam Deck faster than PS5?

The Steam Deck and the PlayStation 5 (PS5) are designed for different purposes and have vastly different hardware capabilities, so direct comparisons in terms of overall speed or performance can be challenging.

The PS5 is a high-end gaming console with powerful dedicated hardware optimized for gaming, offering significant performance advantages over the Steam Deck. It features a custom AMD CPU and GPU, high-speed SSD storage, and specialized hardware like ray tracing support and fast load times, aiming for top-tier gaming performance.

On the other hand, the Steam Deck is a portable gaming device designed to offer a portable PC gaming experience. Its hardware, while capable for a handheld device, is not as powerful as the dedicated hardware in the PS5. The Steam Deck’s custom AMD APU and other components are optimized for portability and power efficiency but might not match the performance of a high-end gaming console like the PS5.

Comparing the two in terms of raw power or speed is challenging due to the differences in hardware, form factor, and intended use. The PS5, being a dedicated gaming console, is significantly more powerful than the Steam Deck, which is designed for portable PC gaming.

Ultimately, if you’re looking for high-end gaming performance and the latest cutting-edge gaming experiences, the PS5 would provide a more powerful and robust platform compared to the Steam Deck. However, if portability and access to a wide range of PC games on the go are your priorities, the Steam Deck might be a more suitable choice despite its lower overall performance.

Can you play Red Dead Redemption 2 on Steam Deck?

As of my last update in January 2022, Red Dead Redemption 2 is available on Steam, and theoretically, it should be playable on the Steam Deck. However, the performance of Red Dead Redemption 2 on the Steam Deck might vary due to the game’s demanding hardware requirements and the limitations of the Steam Deck’s hardware.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is known for its high system requirements on PC, needing a powerful GPU and CPU for optimal performance. The Steam Deck, while capable for a handheld device, might not match the performance of high-end gaming PCs, potentially requiring adjustments to graphical settings or resolution to achieve smoother gameplay on the device.

Compatibility and performance optimizations for specific games, including Red Dead Redemption 2, on the Steam Deck could also affect the gaming experience. It’s advisable to check updated reviews, user experiences, and information post-release to get a clearer idea of how well Red Dead Redemption 2 performs on the Steam Deck.

How do I play Epic Games on Steam Deck?

As of my last update in January 2022, the Steam Deck primarily focuses on the Steam platform, allowing access to the extensive library of games available on Steam. However, it might be possible to access and play some Epic Games Store titles on the Steam Deck using certain methods:

  1. Proton Compatibility: The Steam Deck runs on a custom version of SteamOS, which includes Proton, a compatibility layer that allows some Windows-only games to run on Linux-based systems. Some Epic Games Store titles might work through Proton on the Steam Deck, but not all games might be fully compatible or optimized.
  2. Installation through Third-Party Stores: While the primary focus is on Steam, users might have the option to install other game stores on the Steam Deck, potentially including the Epic Games Store. This could provide access to specific games available exclusively on the Epic Games Store.
  3. Operating System Flexibility: Users might have the option to install alternate operating systems like Windows on the Steam Deck. This could potentially allow access to the Epic Games Store and its library of games.

However, accessing Epic Games Store titles or playing games purchased from the Epic Games Store on the Steam Deck might require additional configurations, software installations, or adjustments to the device’s settings. It’s advisable to check updated information, user guides, or community forums for specific instructions on running Epic Games Store titles on the Steam Deck, especially after its release, to understand the extent of compatibility and any necessary setup procedures.

Is the Steam Deck a loss?

As of my last update in January 2022, I don’t have specific financial data or information on the cost of production versus the selling price of the Steam Deck. However, it’s not uncommon for gaming hardware, especially consoles or devices designed to penetrate the market or establish a user base, to be sold at a price that might not immediately cover the production costs.

Many gaming consoles or devices are often sold at a loss or with a narrow profit margin initially. Companies sometimes subsidize the initial sales by selling the hardware at a lower price, aiming to make profits through game sales, subscriptions, or other services associated with the platform.

Valve might adopt a similar strategy with the Steam Deck, potentially selling the device at a price point that doesn’t fully cover the production costs to attract users to the Steam ecosystem and generate revenue through game sales on the platform.

Ultimately, whether the Steam Deck is sold at a loss or not depends on various factors, including the cost of production, the selling price, and Valve’s long-term strategy to monetize the platform through game sales and services. Without updated financial data or specific details on the device’s production cost, it’s challenging to determine if the Steam Deck is being sold at a loss.

Is the Steam Deck legal?

Yes, the Steam Deck is a legal and officially licensed product manufactured and sold by Valve Corporation. Valve, the company behind the Steam platform, developed and released the Steam Deck, a handheld gaming device designed to provide portable access to a wide range of PC games available on Steam.

The Steam Deck is a legitimate product that operates within the legal framework set by Valve Corporation. It complies with relevant laws and regulations regarding the manufacturing, sale, and distribution of electronic devices and gaming hardware.

As a consumer, purchasing and using the Steam Deck within the terms and conditions set by Valve Corporation is perfectly legal. It’s important to use the device in accordance with its intended purpose and within the guidelines provided by Valve to ensure a lawful and enjoyable gaming experience.

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